Monday 7 May 2012

Teaching or Gaming or Writing?

I have two computers in my house: my work computer and my gaming computer. This is deliberate as I know that games can affect the way your computer works in all sorts of funny ways.

A few months ago, despite careful maintenance my gaming computer gave up the ghost on an upgrade to Windows 7. While this was worthwhile, I lost much of my gaming downloads. I say lost - I can always redownload them. However, I feel that my bandwidth might be hit too much. Such concerns, though, have meant that I have hardly gamed in the past few months. And I certainly haven't purchased (m)any new games.

I have made some narrative with my Total War, my Warband, my Deus Ex and my Men of War. I have been chugging through Dragon Age again, and quite happily so. However, in doing so I have found myself without any entirely ludic games. Nothing to pass the time with no purpose other than to play the game itself.

As often happens when I go through times with my hobbies such as this, I ask myself what purpose there might be in doing so. I am a man who endeavours to have little consequence outside the blogs I write onto hyper-real paper. I am also a product of graduating in the early 2000s. Already at that time the job market was extraordinarily slow, except (of course) if you wanted employment with transitory menial tasks, of which little to no training was required (although the ubiquitous 'experience' was.)

Various paths led me into teaching. Many observers have been kind enough to rate my teaching, and I am fortunate to feel like I am the judge of my own effectiveness. However, the job demands a lot. It also requires an extraordinary amount of energy. It is increasingly a young person's game, which is not really the way you want your education system to be run. Still, for the moment I am functioning well. But I still wonder what my purpose might be.

When still at school I was determined to find a job beyond any kind of status or financial reward. I think I thought writing might have been it. In fact, I have an audience of students who would read what I write. But my writing skills and energy have chilled to the point of having almost been frozen. I am fortunate to have a reasonably regular and wide readership of this blog, and some interesting correspondence because of it.

However, I hope that I build my writing energy into something a little more substantial. To take on smaller, more fun projects. To write over a period of several years. Instead, I currently write a novel that is entirely unsuitable for publication (even though I find it amusing!) And all that starts with reading.


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