I have a backlog of essays and thoughts I wish to publish to this blog. But suffice to say this is my thought for tonight: today out of necessity I have worked 14 hours with a 15 lunch break and a 25 minute dinner break. It is almost midnight, and I need to read before bed. I will wake up at 7:00am and be grateful that I am rested already, and that I do not have a ridiculous commute.
I have used my google docs and my years of electronic resource cataloguing to plan my lessons for this week. It still took me well over an hour (and most of these lessons I have resource collated already.) During this my gaming computer crashed resignedly. I waved goodbye to a fair number of saved games, and (painfully) my saved multiplayer battles on Shogun 2 and Empire TW (not least my defeat of a level 10 general.)
Fortunately, my work computer wasn't affected. For many years as a student, and as a cover and student teacher, I suffered the stress of a crash that meant I lost the work of my profession. That has yet to happen and, with my cloud computer and HD back-ups, is much less likely to happen again.
But I digress. There are a few games installed on my computer now, largely from my disks. One I want to play before sleep, even for a few moments, is DA2. It has been lambasted; unfairly so, I think. But I will not be able to play it for long, as I think that I need to equally read before sleep. I will not sleep more than 6 hours tonight, but I hope to get my rest in while I do. There is something in the party-based RPG game that stays with me until sleep.
Hi, I found your blog via google and have looked at a few of your posts. I too will be teaching soon, and I'm also big on computers and gaming. If you're open to the idea, I'd love to chat with you some time and especially ask you some questions.
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