Today is the crunch week of the year. Terminal exams are arriving and, for me, the Edinburgh marathon looms next week. This weekend I need to finalise my coursework folders (a somewhat arduous, yet consequential, administration task that involves cross-referencing several documents) as well as the usual domestic chores.
It is in that I have enjoyed playing an extraordinary amount of Total War, Mount and Blade, and Supreme Commander 2. Not to mention PES 2009.
While I play these games, I wonder of the different ways of playing them. I rarely play a Total War game on a weekday. And I am yet to play Men of War for any length of time, not surprisingly seeing as I have encountered an especially complex mission and the game lacks anything like a decent tutorial (or voice-overs for that matter.)
So, with this finite time with which I have to play and live, how do I play?
That is something for an extended blog post. In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for anyone else who has similar thoughts. In the same way that I perceive (for whatever reason) that most people who read do so at night before I bed, I perceive that most people who game do so extensively after work in the evenings (rather then at the weekends.)
I wonder.
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